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Market Assessments & Trends
Our market assessments are easily-digestible, blending hard data with stakeholder insights to reveal unique opportunities to the community. We incorporate a national perspective on the forces shaping cities and downtowns by using research from P.U.M.A.’s Global Trends Report. Selected project examples are featured below.

Denver, Colorado
Sunken Gardens Park Master Plan (2020): P.U.M.A. partnered with Studio CPG to prepare a master plan for Sunken Gardens Park on Denver’s historic west side. P.U.M.A. focused on community outreach and a demographic profile of the culturally and economically diverse surrounding neighborhoods. Through interviews with community members and historians, and research on the park’s historic roots and civil rights past, P.U.M.A. created a profile of the park and surrounding community.

Market Analyses for Downtown & Community Plans
P.U.M.A. often completes comprehensive market assessments as a first step in its larger downtown and community planning efforts. These assessments help us get acquainted with local market dynamics and inform the plan’s recommendations and tactics, keeping them grounded in market realities. We have completed market assessment in varied downtown environments throughout the country, including Durham, NC; Lincoln, NE; Wailuku, HI; Flagstaff, AZ; Milwaukee, WI; and more.

Colorado Springs, Colorado
Community Hub Business Plan (2019): As the result of a grant from The Colorado Health Foundation’s Healthy Places Initiative, P.U.M.A. was hired by Solid Rock Community Development Corporation (CDC) to help conceptualize a community hub for southeast Colorado Springs. We researched best practices and worked with the CDC to create a business plan that evaluated financially feasible uses as well as the ability to meet the community’s needs in a space that feels welcoming and inclusive to all.

Denver, Colorado
Westwood Pop-Up Market Assessment and Implementation Guide (2018): BuCu West, a nonprofit community development corporation, hired P.U.M.A. for its guidance on implementing a “pop-up” market in Denver’s Westwood neighborhood, an area defined by a rich Latino culture. We researched case studies, analyzed zoning and made recommendations on programming, management and funding with the goal of a culturally relevant gathering place that supported and celebrated local businesses and entrepreneurs.

Boulder, Colorado
Downtown Boulder Retail Vibrancy Study (2018): P.U.M.A. partnered with MJB Consulting to provide analysis and recommendations to enhance downtown’s appeal and vitality in a rapidly changing retail environment. Work included a multi-day “immersion visit,” quantitative analysis of existing conditions, and feedback from varied downtown stakeholders. The result was an action plan, which laid out key opportunity areas, including reframing the role of downtown.

Wailuku, Hawaii
Wailuku Civic Hub Feasibility Study (2017): A multi-year visioning process to “remember, reimagine, and renew” Wailuku Town identified projects and set priorities. P.U.M.A. was retained by Maui Redevelopment Agency to determine market opportunities and viable programming for the Wailuku Civic Hub, a signature project. Proposed elements included a covered plaza, outdoor stage, specialty grocery, county hearing room, and community reception space. P.U.M.A.’s ongoing work with Maui began in 2010.

Leadville, Colorado
Tabor Opera House Feasibility Study (2017): A significant and beloved building in Leadville’s National Historic Landmark district, the Tabor Opera House had deteriorated over the years. P.U.M.A. was hired to identify the alternatives for its revitalization. We convened workshops with stakeholders, creatively engaged the public, prepared a market assessment and organized a best-practices panel. The study was designed to guide rehabilitation, programming and operations for years to come.

Greeley, Colorado
Southard-Gillespie House (2017): P.U.M.A. worked with Historic Greeley to evaluate the economic vitality of the Southard-Gillespie House, a historic property which the owner intended to donate to the city. We led site visits, interviewed stakeholders, and conducted extensive research to create an economic feasibility study that suggested it could be used as a center for nonprofits, a rental space for small events, a coffee shop, a home for Historic Greeley offices or some combination of uses.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Downtown Market Profile (2016): P.U.M.A. was retained to update the market assessment we created in 2012 and to integrate opportunities informed by P.U.M.A.’s Global Trends Report into it and BID economic development programming. The updated market profile utilized a user-friendly format and incorporated readily available data sources to allow for frequent updates. It included both snapshot and trend data for resident demographics and major economic segments.
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