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Economic Resiliency
Building upon a community’s inherent strengths and competitive advantages, we develop tailored strategies for economic growth and resiliency in urban, suburban and rural settings. Selected project examples are featured below.
Denver, Colorado
Downtown Denver Groundfloor Activation Strategy (2023): P.U.M.A. and MJB Consulting were hired by the Downtown Denver Partnership (DDP) to conduct an in-depth analysis of economic and retail conditions in downtown’s seven distinct sub-areas. The strategy examines real estate trends, demographics, and visitor and employment activity, as well as key physical and infrastructure assets and barriers. Market research was augmented by focus group and online survey feedback. The final report compiles the research and illuminates the key challenges, competitive advantages, and overarching opportunities for downtown Denver in the post-pandemic era.
Parker, Colorado
Parker’s Economic Playbook (2023): Parker’s Economic Playbook looks beyond traditional business recruitment tactics to foster the overall economic health and vitality of Parker, a Denver metro-area town. P.U.M.A.’s process included a robust community engagement process. The resulting plan provides an implementation framework to grow and diversify Parker’s economy, attract primary employment, deliver community-desired goods and services, and be competitive in the regional market.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Kirkpatrick Heights Addition & Greenwood Site Master Plan (2022): A comprehensive planning process was initiated to deliver an equitable redevelopment framework for several large infill sites in North Tulsa, including a historically significant area known as Black Wall Street and the site of the Tulsa Race Massacre, where the legacy of catastrophic racial violence and persistent economic injustice have impacted the community for decades. Along with Philadelphia-based design firm WRT, P.U.M.A. supported community outreach efforts and conducted market research. The P.U.M.A. team prepared feasibility analyses with recommended phasing and intensity for desired residential, commercial, and civic redevelopment projects. P.U.M.A. was also instrumental in laying the groundwork for cooperative land ownership and community wealth-building models that can empower residents to advance their vision for the neighborhoods.
Montezuma County, Colorado
COVID-19 Regional Resiliency & Recovery Roadmaps (2022): P.U.M.A. was selected to facilitate a year-long planning process for Montezuma County as part of the Colorado COVID-19 Regional Resiliency & Recovery Roadmaps program. The final plan delivers detailed strategies related to education and workforce, water and agriculture, housing, mental and behavioral health, and attracting and expanding industry. The project involved extensive engagement across jurisdictions, including the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, Montrose and Dolores Counties, and several municipalities.
La Junta, Colorado
Economic Development and Resiliency Plan (2021): P.U.M.A. created strategies to support new enterprises and existing businesses, revitalize the downtown corridor, enhance workforce development, promote tourism, and cultivate economic prosperity, equity, and inclusion. Utilizing broad community feedback, recommendations encouraged leaders and community members to work collectively to nurture an existing entrepreneurial spirit and address quality-of-life infrastructure issues.
Elbert County, Colorado
Economic Development & Recovery Research for Elbert County, Colorado (2020) To help inform Elbert County’s future economic development program, P.U.M.A. conducted a two-part research project to examine best practices in rural economic development. The first phase investigated the organizational structures, scope of services, budgets, and COVID relief efforts of economic development entities in seven comparable rural Colorado counties, with data collected through online research and interviews. The second assignment explored budget, revenue sources, and assessment valuation in the case study counties. Key research findings and implications for Elbert County were presented to county leaders.
San Jose, California
Downtown Stabilization Plan (2020): In the midst of COVID-19, P.U.M.A. was hired by the San Jose Downtown Association (SJDA) to develop a stabilization plan for both during and post pandemic. In addition to conducting extensive public outreach, P.U.M.A. worked closely with SJDA leadership to develop and roll out a plan focused on: updating its clean and safe program, enhancing its role in community leadership and events facilitation, and improving board and staff roles and responsibilities.
Broomfield, Colorado
Advance Broomfield Economic Vitality Strategy (2020): Advance Broomfield is a forward-thinking economic vitality plan for the City and County of Broomfield. P.U.M.A. was hired to facilitate the planning process and deliver innovative and high-level recommendations, marking a shift from conventional business recruitment-based economic development to a more holistic approach. The plan included a robust community engagement process and provides a strategic framework for implementation.
Boulder, Colorado
Downtown Boulder Retail Vibrancy Study (2018): P.U.M.A. partnered with MJB Consulting to provide analysis and recommendations to enhance downtown’s appeal and vitality in a rapidly changing retail environment. Work included a multi-day “immersion visit,” quantitative analysis of existing conditions, and feedback from varied downtown stakeholders. The result was an action plan, which laid out key opportunity areas, including reframing the role of downtown.
Denver, Colorado
Westwood Pop-Up Market Assessment and Implementation Guide (2018): BuCu West, a nonprofit community development corporation, hired P.U.M.A. for its guidance on implementing a “pop-up” market in Denver’s Westwood neighborhood, an area defined by a rich Latino culture. We researched case studies, analyzed zoning and made recommendations on programming, management and funding with the goal of a culturally relevant gathering place that supported and celebrated local businesses and entrepreneurs.
Wailuku, Hawaii
Wailuku Civic Hub Feasibility Study (2017): A multi-year visioning process to “remember, reimagine, and renew” Wailuku Town identified projects and set priorities. P.U.M.A. was retained by Maui Redevelopment Agency to determine market opportunities and viable programming for the Wailuku Civic Hub, a signature project. Proposed elements included a covered plaza, outdoor stage, specialty grocery, county hearing room, and community reception space. P.U.M.A.’s ongoing work with Maui began in 2010.
Parker, Colorado
P3 Strategic Plan (2017): P.U.M.A. was engaged to develop a strategic plan for Partnering for Parker’s Progress (P3), the town’s urban renewal authority. Through an 8-month planning process, P.U.M.A. developed context-sensitive recommendations that fit Parker’s community character and the organization’s objectives. The plan established a clear vision and recommendations for the organization as a whole and identified unique activities and projects for Parker’s three urban renewal districts.
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